Has your body ever let you down?
Do you struggle with body hatred?
Do you have difficulty being in your body, eg: due to pain; discomfort; weakness; panic attacks?
Do you sometimes feel powerless to influence your experience?
Did you know your body can also be your greatest resource?
The ancient sages of India spent years studying the body and how it worked. Before the invention of physics and biology, they understood that it was an energy system. Their understanding led to them learning ways to manipulate the energy in the body for the purposes of healing and spiritual development.
Does your mind ever feel out of control?
Does your train of thought ever lead you down distressing avenues?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by extreme moods or emotions, eg: melancholy; rage; agitation?
Do you sometimes resort to unhealthy ways to shut down the noise in your head?
Do you wish you could just experience a sense of peace?
The yogis of ancient India not only manipulated the body. They learnt that our breath – with us from birth and something we do all our lives without trying to – is directly linked with our mental and emotional state. In addition, it is one of the few bodily functions that we have the power to control. By controlling the breath in particular ways, the yogis discovered that they could calm the movements of the mind and influence their emotions.
You too can utilise the techniques developed by the yogis to increase your sense of mastery over your body, mind and emotions, leading to a greater quality of life, reduced suffering, increased sense of peace & contentment….. maybe even experiences of bliss.